***Due to Covid19 we have suspended all in person services until further notice**
*** Please see payment details at bottom of page ***
Spiritual Readings
Spiritual readings with Marcela are relaxed and informative. They are not scary or strange
so don't expect to see a crystal ball or smoke. The emphasis of her readings is making connections with and delivering messages from people who are no longer living to those who still are. She
receives information primarily and directly from the dead, spirit guides, and angels to help guide her in providing you with the most important information at that time.
Typically, Marcela's casual approach is comforting and relaxing almost as if two old friends were meeting for coffee. Her goal is to provide you with information that will help assist you in living the happiest, healthiest life possible. Her messages are not a magic solution to any issues that you have. They will help guide you and ‘turn on the light switch' so to speak, to ignite your own understanding.
She will be able to answer questions that you may have been struggling with as well as assist you in finding your own particular solutions. Marcela’s straightforward yet positive approach is sure to help you in finding peace of mind.
Marcela acts as the bridge between the spiritual and the physical world, with the intention of helping both worlds reunite, gain closure or heal in many ways.
Video/Phone Readings (Channeling)
Video/Phone Readings are just as enlightening and informative as a ‘face to face’ reading
with Marcela. She is just as able to connect with the spirits and messages for you while speaking with you via video conference or over the phone. Clients from all across the country seek guidance
from Marcela for readings and mediumship, via video conference or the phone because of geographical location, time constraints, etc.
The measurement of distance that we as humans comprehend does not extend to the spirit world; therefore, Marcela does not need to see your physical presence to connect with you or your loved ones. So, if you are not in close proximity to Fort Worth, Texas and you would like any one of her services, you can be assured that you will receive the same quality and authenticity as if you were visiting her office.
Video/Phone Readings (Channeling):
$100.00 (approx. 60min)
Tarot Card Readings
Marcela offers readings from four different card decks of your choosing:
No matter which deck you choose her to read from there are two different types of Tarot readings: Question readings and Open readings
Question Readings
In question readings, you are addressing a specific question. Tarot is not intended to answer specific yes or no questions. Most say it also shouldn't be used to make decisions, but instead should be used as a guide to help you make the decision yourself. For this reason, the way a question is stated is very important.
Open Readings
Open readings address the larger aspects of your life rather than a specific problem area or question. They're usually done when you're entering a new phase of life, such as getting married, graduating from college or starting a family. You can somewhat direct the reading if you have a general area you want to cover, such as your career or health, but that's as specific as the direction gets.
According to Marcela’s card reading philosophy she believes, rather than trying to tell you what is going to happen to you, it's much more useful to tell you what's happening to you now. That is, to help highlight the aspects of your life you may not be fully aware of at the moment, such as what influences are acting on you, what conscious and subconscious control you are exerting on your life, and how these various factors may manifest in the future. She puts particular emphasis on what blocks you are currently experiencing (internally and externally), how you can act more effectively in your current situation, and what parts of your personality and life you are currently neglecting.
The Tarot is an excellent way of gaining a fresh perspective on your life, or on a specific situation. It can shed new light on old emotional problems, negative aspects of relationships, suggest parts of your life or personality you are neglecting, and help you to make more balanced, insightful decisions, going into the future. The Tarot is a superb analysis tool for getting a clear, detached view of what you are doing right now, and where you are heading.
PhoneTarot Readings: $50.00 (approx.
Guardian Angel Introductions
Marcela can also introduce you to your own guardian angel. Marcela's readings are not formatted a specific way because she gives you the information that she is guided to give. Your session may be an overview of your life or depending on what is given to her by your individual Guardian Angel. Sessions typically last 45-60 minutes.
Phone Angel Introductions:
$50.00 (approx. 45min)
Guardian Angel Guidance
Marcela can also help you channel guidance from your guardian angel once you are introduced to them. Your session will be specifically concentrated on a particular area you have concerns with i.e. – health, relationship, career, etc depending on what is given to her by your individual Guardian Angel. Sessions typically last 45-60 minutes.
Phone Angel Guidance: $50.00 (approx. 45min)
All major credit cards/debit cards, PayPal, CashApp, and Zell payments accepted
*** Please note that with all Video/Phone sessions full payment must be recivied and verified by one of our authorized payment methods no later than 24 hours prior to the start of your booked session time****